Sunday, July 8, 2018

A Peaceful Week with 13 Children

    This last week has been busy with having all of the kids here, a couple extra hours of work and a lot more entertaining has been necessary for the older kids who are accustomed to leaving the house each day. Monday came and I realized that the children were not leaving for school... I will admit that I was a little panicked. However, as the week has progressed, though it has been crazier than usual, I have found myself enjoying the time that I have gotten to spend with the "big kids." The staff also had a meeting halfway through the week that seemed to challenge the way that they love the kids, the results have been a much more affectionate and joy-filled atmosphere for the remainder of the week!
   I have had a social week in addition to working more hours with the kids, for Independence Day I went to my friend's house after work at the baby house. It was my first time going because it is two hours away from the city by bus. Her husband bought us fireworks and we played the national anthem as we sat shivering outside. Then on Saturday, we went to a 4th of July party that was hosted by a couple from my language school. It was a fun opportunity to introduce our Spanish teachers to American style parties, complete with food and games, as well as to practice Spanish since they are, after all, Spanish teachers and never miss a chance to make you practice! 
   We also have a team that just got in this morning, they will be here for the rest of this week helping around the baby house, so that should be fun to have more English speakers around, and fun opportunities to try translating, should the necessity arise! ;)

  I have been so very tired for the past couple weeks, no matter how much sleep that I get. Therefore, I have been slacking in my Bible times because I sleep until the latest possible time before I have to leave for class or Bible study. This week, however, I did better, but I also had more free time because Bible study was canceled and I hadn't signed up for one day of classes because of a scheduling misunderstanding. It was really nice to have that free time to be able to spend some much needed time with God. I don't like that it is becoming a habit though, to sleep rather than spend time with God, and as this next week will again be filled with classes and other morning things scheduled before I have to be at the baby house I need to be intentional about getting time with God.
   I was challenged this morning with the message at church, it was regarding Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they refused to back down despite the trials that faced them. They refused to bow down to the golden statute even though they knew that it would mean certain death. I have bowed down to sleep so many times, instead of worshipping the One who sustains me and gives me rest. Even when I have been having my Bible times though, it's not been as deep as it has been recently...
  I told my mom and dad that, though I've had a really good week, it has also been weird, the past 4 months I felt like I was in college with God as my college professor, pushing me to learn and grow, and the past week or two I've felt like I'm on break and not really sure what to do with myself!

   Nevertheless, it has been good and I haven't been in tears, so that has been awesome! I'm feeling more at home and comfortable. I spent some time with the kids today and getting to know the volunteers that came over to get acquainted with everyone. In addition to that, I have the pleasure of knowing that in 3 weeks my mom and sister will be arriving! I have been branching out from my normal cheap, boring and easy meals and trying different things so that I can cook something that will be enjoyable to eat while they are here, rather than just treating dinner as a necessary evil of life. (I really do love to eat and cook, but both activities are quite boring when done on your own and for yourself!)

   I am gaining confidence with the language each week, which is really fun. I am still very far from fluent, but at least I can somewhat communicate. However, yesterday, the cook was asking me something and I think that she was asking me if something had boiled over when I was cooking. She kept talking and trying to act it out but I was confused at why she was asking, hoping I wasn't in trouble and trying to remember if anything had boiled over... After listening to her for a while I responded "no..." (quite hesitantly) to which she laughed and responded,
   "We'll talk when you can speak Spanish." That certainly killed any pride that I had in my language skills for the day, but it also made me resolve to learn cooking vocabulary and gave me something to laugh about for the weekend!

-I would appreciate prayer that God would continue to be teaching me and growing me and that I would have more energy.

-A praise would be for the attitude change of the tias, and prayer that it would continue. This week has truly felt more peaceful and joyful even though, as I've said, we had all the kids!

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